Mine sweeper - Find Mine!

-bug fixed
The ObjectFind the empty squares while avoiding the mines.
you clear the board, and your score record to game-center.
How to Play
the rules are very simple!
Uncover block,
if you find a mine. and the game ends.
if you find an empty squres, and you keep playing
if you find a number, and it tells you how many mines lay hidden in the eight surrounding squares
very small map?
Don't worry! It makes supporting the pinch qestures for zooming easy.
The Board
It have five type boards to choose from, each progressively more difficult
This is board size.
10 x 15
15 x 20
20 x 30
25 x 35
30 x 40
99 x 99
This is level of difficulty
Easy : it is Beginner : 10% mines
Normal : intermediate level : 14% mines
A Little Difficult : 18% mines
Difficult : Expert level : 22% mines
Extremely Difficult : 26% mines
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