Mine Factory

Embark on your mining venture as a humble copper miner with a shovel, wheelbarrow, and a small smelter. Work your way up to a thriving operation encompassing precious metals like silver and gold, alongside the reclaiming and forging of aluminum, iron, and more sophisticated metals like steel and other alloys. Transition from raw materials to refined products, balancing sales with the use of your metals to expand and automate of your foundry. Invest in new mining machinery and ore refinement technologies to optimize efficiency and profit. Maintain your machines to ensure uninterrupted productivity. Meet demand by fulfilling orders for a variety of forged products, such ingots, beams and plates, while delving into the realm of specialized alloys through the acquisition of new recipes.
-Copper Mining
-Silver Mining
-Gold Mining
-Aluminum and Iron reclamation
-Alloy smelting
-Slag management
-Copper Mining
-Silver Mining
-Gold Mining
-Aluminum and Iron reclamation
-Alloy smelting
-Slag management
Available on devices:
- Windows