20XX: After decades in suspended animation, a mysterious mech pilot (or what's left of him) awakens. Society has been quietly overtaken by a sentient AI that promises world peace through mass digitization. Your mission says otherwise whether society likes it or not.

Fight Back: As MAX CLEARANCE, a mysterious cybernetic "Death Pilot" awakened after decades spent in suspended animation in secert underground weapons lab.

All Systems Go: Run and gun as an 8-story-tall combat walker. Engage targets at will. Collateral damage is not a factor.

Your Arsenal: Autocannons, missiles, flamethrowers, lasers, nukes, knives, sharps sticks!

Explore: Discover new cities, new civilizations...and turn them into parking lots.

Brave New Worlds: In the end, there can only be none.
GAME MODESStory Mode: The journey to find and elminate the sentient AI that has taken over the world.
Caravan Mode: A timed score-attack mode with levels designed to skill & luck.
Survival Mode: Fight off wave after wave of enemies and bosses in a closed-arena.
Practice Mode: Test your weapons in a super secret underground target range.
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Windows


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