Major Bullet

Major Bullet - a Retrowave 2D platformer with unique core-machanic, cozy visual style and one-of-a-kind story!
Who are you?
You are Bullet, outlawed by the City itself. The struggle you are in is nearly unwinnable, but it's not lonely: with Colonel Goose's help and his secret dream of fixing the City you stand a chance to achieve your goals and to bring back Freedom to your weaponized brothers. And today, this madman (or madgoose?) has decided to finally strike the leader of the local gang. Which can mean only one thing - it's up to you to save colonel's feathered ass! But are you ready to finally be who you really are? Are you ready, after so many years of living in shadows, to uncover your true nature? And are you able to face the truth of what the Weapon Ghetto holds?
I don't have friends - I've got Family
While you were hiding under colonel Goose's wing, you've forgotten your true nature. But the memory of your lineage is stronger than you think. The spirits of your ancestors will guide you on your path to Harmony and will help you finally shed your Full-Metal Jacket!
Oy, look at that MACHINE!
Death will not do you apart unless your steel heart stops pumping that powder! Gather rivets, bring them to the machines scattered around the City and fix your broken heart. But remember: your path of Justice ends when your heart stops beating....meaning that if you lose all your hearts - you'll have to start over!
Available on devices:
- Windows