Lost in Darkness

Play Lost in Darkness
On November 27th 1993, in the snowy Atlas Mountains, deep into the Moroccan countryside, a motorcycle cop finds himself stranded alone while investigating the mysterious disappearance of a patrol car.

In Lost in Darkness, you play as Simo, a young motorcycle officer in the Royal Gendarmerie, searching for his missing colleagues who disappeared a couple of hours ago. Simo will find himself stranded in the snowy forest of the Middle Atlas Mountain, and come across creature not of this world.
Explore the dense snowy forest to find hidden locations and secrets to help Simo in his journey through the night. From abandoned cabins in the woods to rundown playground the forest hides many interesting places were items of interest may lie, items that could assist you in saving Simo from the monsters hunting him.

Vile hidden threats crawl in the darkness, creatures from another dimension have creeped their way to our reality and are hunting anyone who is unfortunate enough to pass through the forests of Middle Atlas. Between the small twisted spider-like Lurkers and the massive translucent Shoggoths, many monstrous creatures roam the snow searching for a prey.

The ominous and mysterious Oppenheimer Institute sits at the center of this nightmarish ordeal, a research facility tasked with developing advanced technology by American company N-Corp Enterprises to combat global communism during the Cold War. Travel to the depth of the underground laboratories beneath the facility to uncover the conspiracy behind the creatures and their link to the Institutes nefarious experiments.

So prepare to explore dark forests, fight monsters, and discover classified research. Only question is, can you make it through the night alive?

*NOTE: The next game build will not be the final as the game will see frequent update to enhance the gameplay and player experience.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
