Little Shop of Junk

Your little underground bunker-turned-shop is about to be stormed by an army of customers eager to get their hands on unusual merchandise.
With a single pull of a lever you can supply enough pieces of metal, rubber and explosives to satisfy their heart's desires and more. War might have gone out of style, but recycling is back in - and you have all kinds of gear lying around, ready to be reused as entertainment and garden decoration. Listen closely to every little masked guy and put out the goods they order.
While rapid shopkeeping is the key making any money, it's the business decisions that will have the most impact. Figure out how to best design the shop layout, stay on top of organizing the stockroom and acquire advanced equipment to really spice things up.
Unlock all kinds of different things to sell. Some of them might be difficult to handle or just downright dangerous but hey, you absolutely CAN pawn off an explosive barrel as a coffee table if your sales pitch is convincing enough.
Spend your hard earned money to buy new rooms, furniture and upgrades. You will need the extra space to keep things organized once all the wares come flooding in.
Create wonders of makeshift engineering by combining useless junk into amazing contraptions. Rockets with magnets duct-taped all over are worth pretty penny somehow. You might want to figure out how to store those safely before starting mass production, though. Or don't, what's the worst that could happen? Flying super magnets, that's what.
Frantic, physics-based shopkeeping.
Unusual take on the post-apocalypse, where the old conflict has lost all meaning and the ubiquitous military gear keeps getting repurposed in the most creative ways possible.
Management gameplay that changes during different times of day and special events. Make decisions that will impact incoming orders and profits. Discounting dynamites during the rush hour sure is profitable, but also twice as risky.
Dozens of items with silly mechanics that make them explode, fly around and just cause a lot of chaos most of the time. Expect big rewards for selling the most volatile wares, though!
Big machines that allow you to invent funny item combinations, radioactive smoothies and fashionable gas masks.
Purchasable furniture and decorations to make the shop your own. Build the best layout for keeping things organized, or just stick conveyor belts everywhere and go for the speed build!
Leisure mode with no time limit for players who just want to tend the store and stack boxes in peace.
Available on devices:
- Windows