
Play Light2Live
Year 2021. You are an archaeologist who has lost his friend and colleague who was investigating a great fortress built in the twelfth century by a secret order called "The Order of Darkness" who worshiped the absence of light. Its corridors and rooms never received natural light.
As we ascend through the floors, they become larger and larger with more intricate rooms.

It is said that in the 1970s there was a group of scientists who used this fortress for years to conduct research and experiments.
Your mission is to go through the floors of the fortress wearing a backpack, a battery-powered headlamp and a lighter in search of evidence to explain what is going on there and to find your friend.

You are not the only one, attracted by the mystery surrounding the fortress, other researchers will come to explore it.
Will they manage to get out of there alive? Will you be able to find your friend?

Light2live is a procedurally generated roguelike with crafting, stealth and exploration mechanics. Improve your skills and discover secrets as you advance through the floors of this dangerous fortress in search of your missing friend.Asynchronous MultiplayerAs you explore you will be able to see the echoes of other players who visited the same floors previously.
Features: Procedural maps: Each run is completely different.
Exploration and loot: Explore the changing rooms in search of exits and manufacturing materials.
Crafting: Craft the tools and items needed to get out of there alive.
Character progression: Acquire skills that improve your abilities.
Stealth and evasion: They will be your most powerful weapons to get out of there alive.
Asyncronous multiplayer system: Other players will leave their mark.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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