kawaiiKotoba - Japanese Puzzle

Riko takes a break from solving puzzles and takes care of some bugs instead! She is sure you will enjoy learning Japanese even more and it makes the experience better for everyone. For more news about the kawaiiKotoba universe, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @kawaiiNihongo or @kawaiiNihongoApp
[To enjoy kawaiiKotoba, you should already know some Japanese words. Complete beginners should download my other app "kawaiiDungeon" to get started!]kawaiiKotoba is a daily vocabulary puzzle game! Come back every day for a new challenge, or play our custom modes, featuring vocabulary separated by their JLPT level as much as you want!
Guess a vocabulary and use the tile colors to help guide your next decision. You get 12 tries to guess the correct vocabulary!
If you like learning Japanese and want to expand your vocabulary knowledge, you will enjoy kawaiiKotoba!
kawaiiKotoba was inspired by "Kotobade Asobou". Please check it out as well and support its great creator!
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