
Play Jadoraki
Several centuries ago, the Jadoraki universe was threatened by new creatures named Onelis. The goal of these monsters was to possess people and eliminate the most important thing they possessed: their vital force.

In the aftermath of this catastrophe, the Trappists, one of the most powerful magic organizations in the universe, emerged. Their spells were more complex than those found in the ancient books, and they were the only ones who could create and cast them.

Thanks to them, each planet was protected by a dome that prohibited the entry of these beings; allowing to create a peace that would not last long…

Virtual reality takes you on an adventure where:
You will be able to explore another universe.
You will create powerful spells.
You will fight against the Onelis.And above all... you will become one of the greatest Trappist magicians.

Is it possible for you to protect its citizens and help your partners?

[Under investigation]
The purpose of this game is to help cancer patients.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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