Is This Gay?

Play Is This Gay?
It feels like no one looks at these, if your reading this you might be gay or undecided and that's ok. But this is a game set in a dystopian free-market capitalist future in which they are trying to determine the amount of straight men left in New San Francisco year of 2069. Doing this by issuing a gameshow to determine your sexual orientation so you can be taxed appropriately. Truly the future we are heading for (source: it came to me in a dream). This is a mixture of a collectathon and gameshow, with open world undertones, with a narrator and many voiced lines.


-Gay Show

-Base Building

-Day/Night cycle

-Ultra Capitalism

-Leveling Up


-Fully functioning simulated toilets

-Stepping in human feces

-Stepping on hypodermic needle

-Rats(The NYC kind)

-Many voice lines

So what are you waiting for experience the future that will becoming in 2069.
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Windows
