IQ Test - Check your IQ

Play IQ Test - Check your IQ
The IQ test consists of 36 questions that do not require knowledge of a specific language or profession, so this test is considered culturally independent.

This IQ test is built based on Raven's matrices, so it is one of the most popular methods for determining the level of IQ. The test allows you to determine the level of the ability to learn, understand, form concepts, process information, apply logic, and reason in comparison with other people. For example, the average human IQ is 100 points, and Einstein's IQ is 160.

However, it is important to understand that an IQ test does not always fully reflect all aspects of a person's intelligence. This test rather reflects people's ability to think logically, mathematically, and abstractly but these are far from the only components of human intelligence.
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  • Android
  • Smart TV
