
Inflatum (pronounced In-Flay-Tum) is an adorable animal-critter rescue game, played in 2.5D.
You can play with one of three hero characters: a hedgehog, an armadillo, or a pangolin.
The critter is trying to get to his marooned family but there are nasty hazards in the way. The hapless hero will do anything he can to reach his family but might die in the process. Only you can reunite him with his family! Come to the hero's aid by inflating various inflatable objects en route. The inflatable object will protect, defect, or even offer a source of transport for the hero. In this game, you don't control the hero, you inflate objects in front of the hero as he marches and rolls forward. You can use compressed air for normal inflation, or helium if you want a bit of lift!
Use the mouse to inflate (left button) or deflate (right button) an inflatable object. Beware, over-inflation will cause the inflatable to pop... but sometimes that is exactly what you need!
The colored glow around the inflatable will guide you on how much pressure the object is under (as will the pressure gauge). Most objects should be inflated around the green color, but it is not an exact science, some experimentation will be required!
There is a radar at the top of the screen to guide your play. The radar gives you a side view of the whole scene and you will see the hero's family at the destination (a green blip), the hero (a red blip), inflatable objects (blue blips), and various other important objects that show on the radar. Click any blip on the radar to zoom to that object.
Other Controls.
Binoculars or space: Zoom straight to the hero and follow.
Pin: Zoom to the hero, but lock in place.
Menu: Returns to the main menu.
Controls: Set sound volumes and certain other settings for the game.
Help: Gives these controls.
Escape or pause button: Bring up the pause panel.
Escape or play from the pause panel: return to normal play.
There is also a Speed button to make the action 3 times faster. Tip... use this when the hero has successfully avoided the hazards, and you want to speed it home to its family.
Level introduction
Each level gives a beautiful schematic introduction with introduction music play. It gives you an idea of the lay-of-the-land, but can be skipped by hitting escape.
Inflation Guides
There is a pressure gauge in the bottom right corner that gives you an idea of how much pressure the inflatable is under. It will help gauge when it is about to pop. Also in the corner are two gas tanks that indicate how much gas is left in the tank. Sometimes you will use compressed air, sometimes helium, and sometimes a mixture of each.
Main Menu
From the main menu you can select the level to play, and which hero to play with. A book will open to the page you have selected, and when you pless play you will zoom into the book to start playing that level!!
A score is given for every successful save, and the score is based on how much gas and health you finish with. The total score on the main menu is the total of all the best scores you have been given for each level.
You can play with one of three hero characters: a hedgehog, an armadillo, or a pangolin.
The critter is trying to get to his marooned family but there are nasty hazards in the way. The hapless hero will do anything he can to reach his family but might die in the process. Only you can reunite him with his family! Come to the hero's aid by inflating various inflatable objects en route. The inflatable object will protect, defect, or even offer a source of transport for the hero. In this game, you don't control the hero, you inflate objects in front of the hero as he marches and rolls forward. You can use compressed air for normal inflation, or helium if you want a bit of lift!
Use the mouse to inflate (left button) or deflate (right button) an inflatable object. Beware, over-inflation will cause the inflatable to pop... but sometimes that is exactly what you need!
The colored glow around the inflatable will guide you on how much pressure the object is under (as will the pressure gauge). Most objects should be inflated around the green color, but it is not an exact science, some experimentation will be required!
There is a radar at the top of the screen to guide your play. The radar gives you a side view of the whole scene and you will see the hero's family at the destination (a green blip), the hero (a red blip), inflatable objects (blue blips), and various other important objects that show on the radar. Click any blip on the radar to zoom to that object.
Other Controls.
Binoculars or space: Zoom straight to the hero and follow.
Pin: Zoom to the hero, but lock in place.
Menu: Returns to the main menu.
Controls: Set sound volumes and certain other settings for the game.
Help: Gives these controls.
Escape or pause button: Bring up the pause panel.
Escape or play from the pause panel: return to normal play.
There is also a Speed button to make the action 3 times faster. Tip... use this when the hero has successfully avoided the hazards, and you want to speed it home to its family.
Level introduction
Each level gives a beautiful schematic introduction with introduction music play. It gives you an idea of the lay-of-the-land, but can be skipped by hitting escape.
Inflation Guides
There is a pressure gauge in the bottom right corner that gives you an idea of how much pressure the inflatable is under. It will help gauge when it is about to pop. Also in the corner are two gas tanks that indicate how much gas is left in the tank. Sometimes you will use compressed air, sometimes helium, and sometimes a mixture of each.
Main Menu
From the main menu you can select the level to play, and which hero to play with. A book will open to the page you have selected, and when you pless play you will zoom into the book to start playing that level!!
A score is given for every successful save, and the score is based on how much gas and health you finish with. The total score on the main menu is the total of all the best scores you have been given for each level.
Available on devices:
- Windows