IndustrySim Virtual Platform

Play IndustrySim Virtual Platform
The manufacturing industry is one of the cornerstones for the welfare of the humankind. However, with the production come the problems, such as pollution, which is why it’s so important to constantly develop more efficient yet sustainable processes and concepts. The manufacturing industry has been using process simulations as a tool to improve things for decades, so IndustrySim decided to introduce these intriguing tools to the gaming community.

IndustrySim gamifies the manufacturing industry, and IndustrySim Virtual Platform is your ultimate industry-themed construction, simulation and strategy game, which brings professional tools into the serious games genre.

The engineering-level process simulation components allow you to construct, operate and understand the real-world industrial infrastructure. The scenarios show how the industrial infrastructure works miracles for your family house, and how it copes to do it in a larger scale, such as in a city. The progress is yet still ahead; you will be challenged to find new and better concepts and ways to do things differently.

Delve into the world of real-life industry; observe and interact with simulations of diverse industrial and physical processes – fluid flows, electric grid systems, chemical reactions, industrial Internet of Things, and many more.
Unlock industrial achievements, develop your engineering carrier; keep the population safe and save money without sacrificing the industrial progress.
Once the upcoming device and plant editors are available, define your own equipment and systems, then perform research tasks!
In a world built by industry, few know how it all really works.
Have fun finding it out!
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
