Six years after the fall of Earth, the remnants of the Human race are faced with extinction from alien invaders. The time has come to justify our existence. The fate of the Human race lies on humanity's last weapon - The S.I.E.G.E. They are humanity's last hope of taking back our world from these creatures.

- Deathmatch : Be the last shooter standing on an offline Multiplayer battlefield for 5 combatants.

- An immersive offline shooter experience.

- Upgrade your weaponry by collecting gems and coins after every mission. Having the right gear is critical.

- Enjoy the original IMMUNOCALYPSE shooter experience with enhanced 3D graphics and gameplay.

- Play the Singleplayer campaign offline to protect Earth anytime, anywhere.

- Story Mode : Delve into the story offline and fight to take back your world from these alien invaders in 28 action - packed FPS levels.

- Localized : The game is localized to - English(EN), Spanish(ES), Chinese(ZH), French(FR), Arabic(AR), German(DE), Italian(IT), Japanese(JA), Korean(KO), Portuguese(PT) and Russian(RU).
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Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV


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