Illuminate Frame

Play Illuminate Frame
"Illuminate Frame" is a simple puzzle game inspired by the board game "Carcassonne" where you only place various tiles on the board to connect power tiles and terminal tiles.

Staying calm under the radiant atmosphereUnder the clear starry sky, tiles and frames are illuminated colorfully. You can enjoy playing the game calmly without a time-limited-system.Simple Operations and RulesBasic operations are mouse-click-only. Left-click to place a tile and right-click to rotate it. There are only two placement conditions for the tiles. "Having another next-cell tile" and "Fitting all next-cell tiles"

Three size frames"Small" "Medium" "Large". Three sizes of frames are placed.

Let's illuminate the frame and gain high scores by connecting the power tiles and all terminal tiles.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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