i.Game 13 Mahjong 香港麻雀

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香港麻雀現在 iPhone也玩得到,搭配正宗港語發音,讓你有最真實的打牌經驗!特別設計54種成就,可讓玩家贏取,並自動上傳至Game Center, 更可在 Leaderboards 與全世界玩家比遊戲積分及成就積分。
遊戲中遊戲可選擇3番或8番起胡, 打花與否,並特別提供兩種不同玩法,【積分賽】模式,讓你盡情打牌創造高分; 在【擂台賽】模式, 你必須打敗18位不同個性與打牌策略的對手, 才能贏得麻將王冠軍頭銜! 遊戲中還可選擇相簿中的照片作為自己的遊戲圖像!
i.Game 超強遊戲人工智慧, 可隨著玩家程度自動調整,讓喜歡麻將的你可以隨時隨地磨練牌技。
專為 iPhone設計的操作介面, 可動態放大點選的牌, 方便打牌, 亦可滑牌打出, 更可局部放大畫面任何位置。可隨時繼續未完成的牌局。另有詳細番型圖文說明, 還有許多好玩的小創意, 讓您愛不釋手, 是擁有iPhone的你必備的遊戲。
Play the i.Game 13 Mahjong (Hong Kong Mahjong) game exclusively designed for iPhone with dynamic BIG tiles for easier touch, flicking tiles to discard, touch to magnify and Hong Kong tile voice.
Accumulate your score in the Score Race mode, or play with 18 characters of different playing strategies and defeat them all to win the Champion Award. Rankboard will also keep the tile combination of the highest winning hand.
Compete with players all over the world, featuring 54 achievements to win and Gamecenter leaderboard ranking for mahjong score and achievement score.
Players can choose to play the 3 Fans or 8 Fans minimum and choose to have flower/seasons bonus tiles. Select a photo from your album as your own character.
i.Game 13 Mahjong features an AI program that adjusts its levels according to your skills, and an user-friendly interface developed by i.Game multiplayer gamesite (running since 1998).
Support for English and Traditional Chinese, with a detailed help with all scoring combinations, options for tile voice, and a special tile hint for non-Chinese players.
香港麻雀現在 iPhone也玩得到,搭配正宗港語發音,讓你有最真實的打牌經驗!特別設計54種成就,可讓玩家贏取,並自動上傳至Game Center, 更可在 Leaderboards 與全世界玩家比遊戲積分及成就積分。
遊戲中遊戲可選擇3番或8番起胡, 打花與否,並特別提供兩種不同玩法,【積分賽】模式,讓你盡情打牌創造高分; 在【擂台賽】模式, 你必須打敗18位不同個性與打牌策略的對手, 才能贏得麻將王冠軍頭銜! 遊戲中還可選擇相簿中的照片作為自己的遊戲圖像!
i.Game 超強遊戲人工智慧, 可隨著玩家程度自動調整,讓喜歡麻將的你可以隨時隨地磨練牌技。
專為 iPhone設計的操作介面, 可動態放大點選的牌, 方便打牌, 亦可滑牌打出, 更可局部放大畫面任何位置。可隨時繼續未完成的牌局。另有詳細番型圖文說明, 還有許多好玩的小創意, 讓您愛不釋手, 是擁有iPhone的你必備的遊戲。
Play the i.Game 13 Mahjong (Hong Kong Mahjong) game exclusively designed for iPhone with dynamic BIG tiles for easier touch, flicking tiles to discard, touch to magnify and Hong Kong tile voice.
Accumulate your score in the Score Race mode, or play with 18 characters of different playing strategies and defeat them all to win the Champion Award. Rankboard will also keep the tile combination of the highest winning hand.
Compete with players all over the world, featuring 54 achievements to win and Gamecenter leaderboard ranking for mahjong score and achievement score.
Players can choose to play the 3 Fans or 8 Fans minimum and choose to have flower/seasons bonus tiles. Select a photo from your album as your own character.
i.Game 13 Mahjong features an AI program that adjusts its levels according to your skills, and an user-friendly interface developed by i.Game multiplayer gamesite (running since 1998).
Support for English and Traditional Chinese, with a detailed help with all scoring combinations, options for tile voice, and a special tile hint for non-Chinese players.
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