
- HopNDrop introduces its mystery boxes!
- Recognition for the Summit Meisters begins, with weekly rewards for the pace setters!
- The wall between Hamheadians and ordinary HopDroppers has been broken... Hamheadians and their stats will now be visible to the whole HopNDrop community.
- Check out the new profiles containing important feats.
- Streaks and feats are being recognised now! Build your streak to showcase talent on your profile and get chances at rewards.
-Bug fixes and other improvements.
- A remake of the legendary Millsberry arcade game HopNDrop which is long- Recognition for the Summit Meisters begins, with weekly rewards for the pace setters!
- The wall between Hamheadians and ordinary HopDroppers has been broken... Hamheadians and their stats will now be visible to the whole HopNDrop community.
- Check out the new profiles containing important feats.
- Streaks and feats are being recognised now! Build your streak to showcase talent on your profile and get chances at rewards.
-Bug fixes and other improvements.
gone, your task is to move about on tile patterns to clear the different
puzzles cautiously and in due time!
- You will embark on a continuous trip through the hamheadon kingdom
uncovering complex levels of tile patterns and interacting with other
dwellers of the kingdom.
- Explore interesting power-ups to guide you including the marvelous tile deleter and many more!
-To be or not to be a hamheadian? the next tier status of HopDroppers. On
creating a free account, you will become a hamheadian and enjoy many
more HopNDrop perks in the kingdom.
- The hamheadon kingdom awaits thee.
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