Hit or Stay

Fixed a bug where the number of possible soft hands shown was incorrect
Practice basic strategy for Blackjack! This no frills app will help you increase your odds of winning in the casino by learning when it's appropriate to hit, stay, split, double, or surrender.Options for game play include:
* 1, 2, or 4+ deck games
* if the dealer hits or stays on soft 17
* if surrenders are allowed
* practice all hands, splits, soft, or hard hands only
Keeps track of your current streaks, best streaks, and overall correct percentages for each training combination.
Also includes reference cards for each of the different basic strategies.
A fully functional app. No ads. No in-app purchases. No nagging prompts. No fancy bells and whistles. Jump right in and start training.
Note that this does not actually play Blackjack. It simply tests you on which option you should choose given the dealer's up card and what you are dealt.
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