High School Girl: Anime Shinob

Play High School Girl: Anime Shinob
Experience the colorful world of Anime Story High School simulator Sim where you can immerse yourself in the lives of vibrant anime characters. As a high school girl, you will navigate through the ups and downs of being a teenager in a detailed open-world environment.

Customize your character's appearance with various hairstyles, clothing, facial features, and accessories before being thrown into the midst of a bustling Japanese high school.

Interact with other students, join clubs like the drama club, sports club, or music club, and participate in rehearsals, games, and concerts. Explore the city outside of school where you can discover hidden items, secrets, mini-games, and side quests.

The game combines elements of simulation and role-playing games as players must manage their character's time, balancing school work, club activities, and personal relationships.

Build relationships with other characters by interacting with them and watch as friendships or romantic relationships develop over time. With a variety of different endings, the choices players make and the relationships they build will impact the outcome of the game.

Anime Story High School Sim is a fun and engaging game that captures the drama and excitement of high school life, perfect for anime and simulation game enthusiasts.
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Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV
