Get Them Boats: Orca Revenge

Play Get Them Boats: Orca Revenge

This game is about finding boats and sinking them. The ocean is filled with boats and it is your job to find them all and sink them. You play as an orca and swim through an open ocean looking for boats. When one is found, players attack the boat and sink it.

As boats are sank, the player gains more money which can be used to upgrade their orca. They are able to increase the speed, strength, and health of their orca, as well as make cosmetic color changes. As they swim through the waters they will find other orcas that can be added to the pod so that it is strong enough to sink even larger boats. Take them all down!

Players use their orca to ram ships they find and sink them. As they sink, those on board will fall out and land in the ocean where they tread water for as long as they can. While they are doing this the player can use their orca to gobble up the people that are in the water, which gives them more spending money to upgrade their orca in various ways.

Some levels have harsh weather and low visibility, adding to the difficultly of finding boats to sink. They are out there, you just need to find them. Weather can be randomized on open levels, or you can choose a level with specific weather to gain more money for upgrades.

There is a vast, endless ocean to explore that is filled with many boats. As you play, larger boats will appear, and you must be strong enough to sink them. The bigger the boat, the more money you accrue, and the more crew that will fall out into the ocean which leads to even more bonus money.

Attack the rudders, and eat the rich!
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
