Fuzzys Quest 2

Play Fuzzys Quest 2
Fuzzys Quest 2 is a cartoony platforming game full of magic and fairy-tale. You play as Fuzzy, a wizard in training who finds out his fellow wizards in training have been captured by the notorious King Koodie and his Dark wizards. If peace is to prevail, he must save the fellow wizards and put a stop King Koodie once and for all.

As you embark on your quest, you unravel the mysteries and secretes of the wizards.

5 Game Modes
Fuzzys quest 2 has 5 different game modes.

Campaign - Explore 7 different lands
Endless – A fast action-packed survival that’s endless
Survival – A slower pace survival with 25 waves each one harder than the last
Challenges – Take on a set of 12 challenges that range from easy to crazy.
Mutated Mode – Play the game in the hardest setting with every mutator on
Key Features
Exploration - 7 Lands of exploration
Enemies - New enemies as well as old.
Mutators - Changes the game behaviour
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Windows
