Four Memory

Play Four Memory
Final remembered score is now based on overall high score of the set of rounds rather than just the final round.
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Four Memory is a game that trains your memory.

There are four memory algorithms ranging from easy to advanced.

The characters will appear from the holes one by one, when they are revealed in the remembering part of the game, you must hit them in the same order as they were revealed.

Easy - The characters will be in the same positions and can only appear once per round. Characters will also go down into their hole after being hit, leaving you with less options to worry about in that round.

Medium - The characters will be in the same positions but can appear in the same round multiple times, each time you hit a character, each time you hit a character, all characters will go down and a new set will come back up before you need to hit the next character.all characters will go down and a new set will come back up before you need to hit the next character.

Hard - The characters can switch positions so you need to remember the order of characters without being helped by their positioning. Each time you hit a character, all characters will go down and a new set will come back up before you need to hit the next character.

Advanced - Characters can switch positions or they can not appear at all, in which case you must hit the character that has taken it's spot. If the character has moved to a different position, hit that character, if the character does not appear at all, hit the position it was in. Each time you hit a character, all characters will go down and a new set will come back up before you need to hit the next character.
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Available on devices:
  • IOS
