Foot Clicks
This app is an arcade game. Your game starts with the launching of the app and you have 12 seconds to reach the points that are asked for winning the game. To collect points you have to click on thinks which are similar to geometry figures. You will have 1 point if you click on a circle named "click me", 1000 points if you click on a rhombus named "bonus1000", 500 points if you click on a yellow star named "bonus500", 2000 points if you click on a purple star named "bonus2000" and 100 points will be subtracted from your score if you click on a square named "-100". Your score is always visible and you can reset him when clicking on a button named "reset points". You can multiplicate the points earned by clicking on an object by clicking 30 times on the subject "click me". If you earn the required points in 12 seconds, a message "Congratulations you win" will appear, if not then a message with the content "You lose try again" will appear instead.
You can change a little bit your game graphics if you want by opening the menu and choosing the option "Foot Clicks". This is an another version with the same objectives but in football style. All the objects are replaced by football things, like a football stadium. Created by Maksim and Tudor
You can change a little bit your game graphics if you want by opening the menu and choosing the option "Foot Clicks". This is an another version with the same objectives but in football style. All the objects are replaced by football things, like a football stadium. Created by Maksim and Tudor
Available on devices:
- Android
- Smart TV