Floppy Fish Adventures

We added a more robust login and saving system, players should also be able to unlock the reef and junkyard biomes without any bugs or issues. We also fixed some scenarios where pearls weren't showing up for floppy fish players to collect. This was mostly a quality assurance patch that made sure everything is running optimally.
Splish splash, flip flop, time to drop into the deep blue to adventure through the piers and reefs all the way to ATLANTIS! With a team of fish specialists like this no one could be better for the job, draft as many fish as you can to help Hugo and Penny on their way to ATLANTIS, and you never know…you may be able to get the king of the deep himself to help! ADVENTURE AWAITS!Collect pearls to buy new fish, & new biomes
In App Purchases include:
1) Premium Mode where you can double your pearls and no Ads are shown
2) Ohmi, the Eel a premium fish whose mesmerizing moves are fun and unlike any other
3) Atlantis, a ancient sunken biome whose tech causes the walls to glow and move!
4) Pearl Packs, for those who want to get their next character right now!
Available on devices: