Family Ties

Play Family Ties
1.Check the shopping list every day and go shopping:

*Review the shopping list and identify the missing items.

*Consider your budget while shopping and avoid unnecessary expenses.

*Save by shopping before price increases.

2.Adjust the temperature of the house:

*Use the heating system smartly to save energy.

*Be mindful not to overuse the heating, as it can lead to increased bills.

3.Give allowances to family members:

*Determine allowance amounts suitable for the needs of family members.

*Distribute allowances regularly and balance the budget.

4.Check emails from the lawyer and take action:

*Regularly check messages from the lawyer.

*Quickly handle necessary l procedures.

5.Follow job advertisements:

*Examine current job ads and evaluate potential job opportunities.

*Follow suitable positions to advance your career.

6.Evaluate personal requests of family members:

*Support family members by understanding their requests.

*Prioritize wishes that can be realized within the budget.

7.Observe the emotional states of family members and take action:

*Attempt to understand the emotional states of family members.

*Take necessary steps to provide the support they need.

8.Don't forget yourself:

*Consider your own needs while fulfilling these tasks.

*Allocate time for yourself, relax, and manage stress.
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Windows
