Play EXODIUM Part 1
In ancient Roman arenas it was customary to show an entertaining play after bloody dramas. They called it

The end of the 21st century. The effects of global warming and nuclear winter intertwined with each other, creating a bizarre web of climatic anomalies. Civilization has decayed, industry has collapsed, and horrific epidemics have decimated the populations of entire countries. Surviving humans and surviving cyborgs seek ways to escape. They have yet to find each other, as they are separated by the vast expanse of the dying Earth.The charactersAre divided into three main types:
Humans are organic beings, perhaps with some degree of nano-injection or cybernetic implants. Given the existence of the personality transfer method, some of them may not even be Homo Sapiens, but members of other biological species.
Robots are fully synthetic mechanisms with either their own Artificial Intelligence installed or controlled by a server.
Cyborgs are fully or partially synthetic machines controlled by implanted human personalities. In most cases they have advanced synthetic bodies designed to perform specialized (mostly military) tasks.
Avatars are digitized human personalities who control artificial intelligences that control large transportation, industrial or military objects.GameplayNarrative action adventure in the style of a 3rd person shooter.
Characters have to find each other and gather the necessary equipment and resources to travel to another planet. Controls shift from one character to another (including robots and cyborgs), so you can't call any of them in charge.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
