Escape from Ocean View Hotel

Play Escape from Ocean View Hotel
First release with English.
Can you Escape from Ocean view hotel?

Simple easy to play escape game.

Escape from the room.
Find Clue.
Solve puzzles.
And get out of the ROOM.


Standard escape game type puzzle game.
Difficulty: easy to intermediate
length: 15min to 1hour

Tap to search.
Tap to close up.
Use Controller to look around and back to previous view.
To select item: Tap item icon below the controller and select it. Icon will be highlighted.
To use item: Tap the place you want to use the selected item.
To investigate item: Tap the item you want to investigate and make selected, then tap once more. If item is selected one more tap will show item detail view

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Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • IOS
