Escape from many tutoring Sch

Play Escape from many tutoring Sch
    Android8.0 has been supported.
    #Story :Principal of a tutoring school
    has come to me.
    "I have created a new test.
    It want to know how you solve the test."
    Since I was free, I decided to take a test.

    #Difficulty : Easy or Normal
    #Ending pattern : 2

    #How To Play : Game operation only tap.
    Tap : Search / Select item
    - Some items can be used with other items
    Double tap : Magnify item
    triangle icon :Move / Back / Close item
    - It is run by tapping the triangle icon
    Config : Save or adjust the sound
    - It is run by tapping the Inverse gear icon
    - Auto save not
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • Android
    • Smart TV
