Dungeon Draw
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Dungeon Draw is a probability-based card game with a dungeon theme.You can create your own dungeon and challenge other players' dungeons.
[Game Rules]
When you select a card, both your and your opponent's cards are randomly drawn to determine the outcome.
[Key Features]
Dungeon Creation: In Dungeon Draw, you can create your own dungeon. You have the option to place monster cards within the dungeon.
Card Collection: Collect various cards to build your deck. Each card comes with the concepts of tiers and attributes.
Battle Mode: Challenge other players' dungeons in battle mode. Winning battles earns you rewards.
Game Types: There are various game types, from 1-CARD games where the outcome is determined by a single card to 5-CARD games where five cards determine the outcome.
Leaderboard: Check your ranking on the leaderboard, which is integrated with Game Center.
Become the champion of the random chance card game in Dungeon Draw and claim victory in card gaming!
Development, Design: Youngho Joo
Graphics: Unity Asset Store
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