DreaMon World

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Welcome to the DreaMon World.
You find yourself far from home, trapped in a new world, a place teeming with creatures known as DreaMon. In order to return to your world, you need to help the DreaMon repair theirs.

Explore the DreaMon World: Discover and explore a vast world filled with interesting creatures.
Recruit DreaMon: Recruit DreaMon to join your village by engaging in battles, striking up conversations, or solving their unique challenges.
Build up a village Recruited DreaMon may contribute to the growth and functionality of the village by opening a store or offering a useful service.Virtual Pet Mechanics
Feed and Nurture: Keep an eye on your DreaMon's hunger level. Satisfy its appetite by feeding it treats. The right nutrition is crucial for optimum growth and strength.
Medicine for Ailments: When your DreaMon falls ill, be a caring companion and administer the necessary medicine to nurse it back to health. A healthy DreaMon is a powerful ally.
Bedtime Routine: Ensure your DreaMon gets sufficient rest by tucking it into bed at the right time.
Use the restroom: Everyone does it. Make sure your monster reaches the toilet in time! Grow your DreaMon!

Train your DreaMon: Watch as your DreaMon transforms from its humble beginnings into a formidable force through dedicated training sessions. Boost its stats and prepare it for the challenges that lie ahead.
Metamorphosis: Experience the lifecycle of your DreaMon as it progresses through stages of evolution. Your choices in training and care influence how your DreaMon will grow. Battle!
Strategic Combat: Command your DreaMon to use certain abilities. Select from a variety of moves — buffs, attacks, heals — to outsmart your opponents.
Type Tactics: Explore a dynamic type system where each DreaMon and move holds strategic significance. Master type advantages to triumph in battles.

Trust the dice: Experience the excitement of dice rolls that determine hits, misses, damage, and healing. Every battle brings unpredictable twists, making each encounter a thrilling adventure. A message from the developer
Hello friends.

This game is a long term passion project of mine. Monster taming games are some of my favorite video games and I am excited to be making one of my own. I feel that an underutilized aspect of these games is the relationship that the tamer has with the monster. For this reason, I would like for this game to be primarily a virtual pet experience built into an RPG. If this concept sounds appealing to you, please stick around for this journey. Please feel free to make suggestions and comments as I greatly value feedback.

I hope that you will enjoy your experience in the DreaMon World.


- Courier Games
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
