Don't Die! Zombie Survival

Play Don't Die! Zombie Survival
Don't Die! Zombie Apocalypse is a survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by zombies

Fight hunger, thirst, weather conditions, freezing temperatures, wild animals and finally zombies to reach a safe zone, where your only chance for salvation awaits for you!
Don't Die! Zombie Apocalypse is a survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by zombies

Fight hunger, thirst, weather conditions, freezing temperatures, wild animals and finally zombies to reach a safe zone, where your only chance for salvation awaits for you!

Main features
Character creation
Choose exactly the characteristics of your character. Gender, weight and height will influence fitness, strength and so the energy required and walking times.

Random map, route and natural shelters
Each journey for survival will be different because the paths on the map will be randomly generated before starting. Sometimes it will be easier to reach the river or the wooded areas and less the mountainous areas, other times vice versa. Riding an uphill or downhill path will also affect walking time. If necessary, you can use natural shelters as temporary shelters.

Day/night cycle and lighting
Each hour brings you closer to night, you'll have to prepare or reach a shelter before dark, build a fire and try not to let it go out.
Avoid taking actions after dark or in low light areas such as a wood or a cave, performing actions in low light conditions increases the chance of injury.

Seasons and weather system
You will have to deal with adverse weather conditions, such as rain, snow, storms, blizzards and sudden changes in temperature. The variation of temperatures as well as climatic events will vary according to the period of the year: very hot summer, very cold winter, very rainy autumn, mild spring but with variable conditions.

Status and resource management
Each action causes a waste of energy, replenish it by eating but remember that eating raw food can save your life but you risk infection or disease
Also worry about any other altered states such as sleep, thirst, hunger, cold, or any injuries.

Drop and carry weight
The chance of finding what you're looking for vary greatly based on where you look for.
Deposit in the refuge any item that you do not want to carry in your backpack in the refuge because the overloading increases the risk of accidents. Any fractures or dislocations make movement difficult, slow you down and reduce the weight you can carry.

The multitude of items that you would find along the way will be certainly good for something. Remember that one man's trash is another man's treasure. Build shelters, cutting tools, digging tools, lighting tools, weapons and traps.

You will be able to build traps for fish, birds, small and large animals. Add specific baits appropriate to the type of animal you want to catch to increase the chance of catching. Also, if possible, build the traps above the footprints

Combat system
Choose among different weapons to defend yourself or attack animals and enemies. Use ranged weapons to avoid that they get too close but remember to load the ammo. Heavy weapons can deal massive damage but are also very slow. The choice is yours!

With each update there will be a release of the game for Android and Windows. If the community will be interested it will be possible to do the same for Mac.
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV
