
Play Detourist
Embark on a unique journey as the fallen protagonist in Detourist. Lost in a world, you control a character whose body emits mysterious light and warmth. This feature is more than a beacon in the dark; it's a key to unraveling the secrets of this enigmatic world.

Descend into an uncharted and seemingly abandoned world, where every step lights the way. In Detourist, visibility is limited, compelling you to rely on the faint glow of your character to navigate and discover hidden paths. However, these properties can also greatly limit you on your journey.

In this game you will:
Descend deep into a world teeming with mysteries yet to unfold.
Deconstruct spatial puzzles, but also your perspective on proximity and overview.
Detour, as the way to get around is around.
Follow the Journey of Creation:
Detourist is an experience currently being crafted with passion by Ingmar König. For a glimpse behind the scenes and regular updates on the game's development, follow Ingmar on IG: @iganmr.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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