Despot's Game

Play Despot's Game
- Fixed Cleansing and Tolerance removing the Cursed Magic health debuff<br>- Fixed Tricksters not dodging when they have Steady Footing mutation<br>- Fixed a bug where saves could not be loaded with Curse of Mutation or Curse of Variety present. Also, we will be sending unloadable saves to our servers now.<br>- Fixed regular attack triggering/being affected by Curse of Magic cooldown buff
**4 levels and Brawl are available for free. You can buy the full game with one payment**

Let's play a game: I'll give you some puny humans, and you try to help them make it through my labyrinth. No, you won't be controlling them in battles - they'll fight automatically! My game is about strategy and praying to RNGesus, not mashing buttons. You can buy items for the humans: swords, crossbows, coffins, stale pretzels. Plus, I'll let you give them cool mutations! A few Topochlorians in the blood and some Crocodile Skin never hurt anyone. There's one catch, though: if you die, you have to start over entirely, and the whole world will be generated again from scratch. Yes, my game is a roguelike game. Well, roguelite, if you're a nerd who loves compartmentalizing us creators into strict genres.

I almost forgot: my game has a multiplayer mode, too! But I'm not going to tell you anything about it, because King of the Hill is a special secret multiplayer mode that only unlocks once you beat the game.
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Available on devices:
  • IOS
  • Android
  • Smart TV


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