Desolation Seed

Play Desolation Seed
Desolation Seed combines maze navigation with elements of cyber terrorism, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) mechanics and sewer based conflict simulation to present an allegorical representation of global demise. taking flight within sewage, players command the "Desolation Seed," a remote UAV navigated through biomechanical EEG tech. you are prisoner to a mysterious assistant. your sole purpose is to explore the serpentine world of sewage and environmental ruin. Amidst this backdrop of environmental decay, you are tasked to scour for operational computers that can be used for deploying advanced computer viruses against various targeted individuals & destroy misanthropic icons of technological progress. traverse this wired and diseased network. only erasure can free you from this maze of torment.

▫ Utilize weaponized software against a spectrum of Technological Landmarks all within an aesthetic shell of low resolution hell interface graphics

▫ Engage in complex environmental puzzles to progress through the diseased earth while
searching for and building botnets to use against targets

▫ Communicate with the remnants of humanity while exploring endless labyrinths
of societal ruin and be fully immersed in virtual desolation

▫ Explore the endless wasteland of abandoned networks, urban ruins & navigate the polluted expanse of ecological decay with intuitive and responsive UAV flight control

▫ Take control of surveillance systems and search targets for vulnerabilities to infect systems from within

▫ Inspect objects as you traverse interconnected levels inspired by the
literature of BF Skinner and the Tower of Babel

▫ Perma death

▫ Renaissance of waste

▫ Edutainment Mechanics

* Some information above is subject to update as development progresses. follow page for frequent updates
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Windows


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