Demon Lord Reincarnation Gaiden

Play Demon Lord Reincarnation Gaiden
A mysterious tower is located on a small island in the middle of the sea. The legend says that by climbing this tower, which allowed humankind's strongest and most virtuous to enter Paradise, Leinad the Demon Lord and his monster army have managed to overthrow God.

Today, a small group of rebels has gathered in a smuggler's hideout on the shore, ready to storm the tower and free humankind from Leinad's reign of terror once again.KEY FEATURES Enjoy a new scenario with new character classes and improved game systems
Survive through brutal turn-based battles, where poor judgment can result in the permanent loss of a party member
Unlock new skills in the heat of the battle, from devastating attacks to underhanded moves
Use helper items to prepare yourself for tough battles
Find safe spots to regain your health and make sure the monsters won't get a drop on you
Enjoy stylish visuals supported by atmospheric music and rocking battle tunes
Read the manual, it's there for a reason!
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
