Defender Chronicles - Legend of The Desert King

Play Defender Chronicles - Legend of The Desert King
    2009 iPhone Game of the Year award! A tower defense game with an involving fantasy story that has led to numerous great reviews!


    “If a Tower Defense game had babies with Warcraft and Diablo 2, it would be called: Defender Chronicles.” – iTunes US Review

    “After 50 or so reviews, I have struck gold. My first 5 star rating goes to Defender Chronicles. The game reminds me of Puzzle Quest, when it comes to being addictive and getting stuck in my mind. I have played this for more than 20 hours already. 5 out of 5” – iPhoneGameNetwork

    “I am level 222 and have spent over 100 hours since I bought the game last month and I’m still playing!” - Defender Chronicles forumer

    “Defender Chronicles – It’s better than Percocet. It pretty much got me through my 3-day appendectomy stay in the hospital last month and made me forget the pain the way Percocet couldn’t.” -


    - Epic storyline with Voice Over and Comic
    - Select between might and magic heroes
    - Over 20 different types of units with distinct abilities
    - Unlockable secrets from the Great Library
    - Hundreds of unique items for hero
    - 5 difficulty levels and 5 game modes
    - Endless mode included
    - Unlimited gameplay with freestyle mode
    - Extremely high replayability value, time flies with each round of the game
    - iPod music library access, email a challenge from the game
    - Online leaderboards, achievements, friends, chat using OpenFeint.
    - High production value: 9 original music soundtracks, spatial 3D audio, voice-acting, hand-drawn graphics, intuitive controls, auto-save, auto-flip, fast-forward, vibrate, HQ graphics option

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    Defender Chronicles is developed by Menara Games and Gimka Entertainment Inc and published by Chillingo Ltd.
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    Available on devices:
    • IOS


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