Naked City. The year, 199X. The red sun rises over the crumbling buildings of the valley enclave. The zombified citizens wander about the dirty alleyways like fetuses lost in an oversized womb.

David grapples with his mid-life hell as he plows through his collection contracts. His humanity flayed with immoral deeds, from moping up stinky floors to doing bad things to well-mannered idiots. He has to pay on time, or the Boss will kill him.

The best bourbon is no longer on the market: civilization failed. In its place, a violent concoction of gangs and a militarized state cling us to the memory of forgotten promises. Hitting our wives out of boredom is a shiny trinket of the past — Now it's all about survival. Only a few days left until the next DEBT DEADLINE.

David’s struggle is experienced as a highly replayable short story. A storytelling engine weaves the plot, sourced by hundreds of procedural micro-events.

In this setup, his own actions lead to meaningful consequences. Each run is unique. David will face tough choices no matter what.

At the meta-progression loop, reality evolves as new endings are unlocked, extending the playability and revealing more about his surreal world.

In each run, David can create schemes, alliances, and use secrets to his advantage.

In Naked City, secrets are complex items he’ll earn along the story and can be used to manipulate others in an open-ended way.

Want to get closer to a dealer to get better prices? Gossip about a common friend.
Need more money? Blackmail a weak foe.
Need excuses to kill someone? Accept a contract and never turn it around. When the fixer tries to push, David will earn reasons to start a scheme and gather allies.

David’s nemesis is David. Each action he takes is weighed down by his childish morals presented through DEBT DEADLINE sanity mechanics.

Betraying friends or helping enemies has a cost. Integrity levels must be managed to keep the sanity up, or the story will turn to a dark conclusion.

But remember, in this savage world, a pristine integrity leads to a detached, severed head, most likely resulting in death. Survival is only attained with calculated sacrifices.
Acquire secrets and use them to manipulate relationships.

Gossip to put enemies against each other.
Blackmail and intimidate others to get ahead faster.
Plot murder schemes and alliances against inconvenient individuals to attain power.CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES
Deadlines can be relentless and will pressure you:

Choose carefully how you use your limited time — every action counts.
Each choice you make will alter your integrity levels and shape your game plan.
Your sanity is at risk. Losing your mind can drive you to self-harm or worse. PROCEDURAL SHORT STORIES
With a procedural story-telling engine that will keep you engaged and anxiously concerned about what happens next:

Discover 300+ custom events, with multiple achievements and endings.
Explore a dynamic world that reacts to your choices in a logical way — each run is different.
Interact with self-aware characters that have their own relationships and interests at stake.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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