Dark Souls Dungeons

Added configurable variants, cuarrently the souls variants and the simultaneus activation variant can be configured<br>Removed some souls variant and replaced with only one but fully configurable<br>Added some sound effects
THIS IS NOT A MOBILE DARK SOULS GAME AND IT IS NOT A STANDALONE GAME AT ALLThis is a Companion App developed for Dark Souls the board game, created by steamforged games in 2017.
This app is completely free, without ads and I have absolutely no revenue from this nor I'm associated with steamforged or any other company.
Want to create new encounters/quest? read here how: https://bit.ly/2PvjHkm
Want to create some campaigns? here some info: https://bit.ly/2QbfK4o
No particular skills required and if you send me the encounter I will include it in the app
The boardgame was lacking in many aspects, but mostly the feeling of exploration was totally missing. To solve this problem I devloped this app, inspired by Mansion of Madness 2nd edition app, this allow to generate random dungeons with random encounter and bosses. Despite the original game try to randomize the dungeon, it is completely visible from the beggining. In this app the tiles are discovered one by one and also allow to configure various types of dungeon size and difficulty.
It support some variants that could affect the exploration and the grinding, like variants to have more souls after every encounter or to randomize the dungeon everytime the bonfire is used. Every variant has its own description that explains the effects on the gameplay.
The other important focus of this app is on encounters. In the original game they were all combat encounters and it was pretty boring. The app extends the elements of the map making them interactable and allowing trough simple scripts to define custom encounters with event and even small quests. This first version doesn't have many new encounters, but it has variants of the classic encounters, random invasions and a couple of sample quest. More encounters will be added in the future.
The app include all the content from the expansions and the kickstarter Stretch Goals. It miss only some megabosses, actually only the Gaping Dragon and the Old Iron King are available.
It is also possible to configure the owned sets and the app will avoid to propose elements you don't own.
The app has a save and load feature that allow to store the dungeon status and the future of the gear of the players.
Available on devices:
- Android
- Smart TV