Danish language learning game

Play Danish language learning game
    Danish language learning game
    We have created this game to include the most important spoken words in Danish English. The game is suitable for both those who want to strengthen their English language and who want to strengthen their Danish language.
    The Danish language learning game includes the following
    1: Temporal words such as days of the week and months
    2: also words that include relatives and family
    3: Colors and educational tools
    4: also words that include house and furniture
    5: And the words that include the house and the kitchen
    6: In addition to the words that include everything related to the school
    7: And also the words of the members of the human body
    8: And words that include birds and animals
    9: Also words that include fruits, vegetables and food
    10: Words related to jobs and professions
    11: Words related to clothing and adornment
    12: Adjectives too
    And there are a lot of words that have been added
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • Android
    • Smart TV
