Cozy Together ☕

Play Cozy Together ☕

    Do not purchase in early access if you want a complete experience. It will be rough for a while.
    Intended to be attempted, one sitting at a time

    You play as Emi, a lonely girl, in a lonely world, where social contact in the real world is a perk only afforded to the very wealthy.

    A plague came to earth and spread like wildfire.
    Billions died.

    Those that could afford it fled the planet,
    but space travel isn't a luxury everyone can afford.

    Those who remain are unable to work a job, but still need to eat.

    Emi turns to gold farming in the most popular VR MMORPG in an attempt to get by.

    Rent is due every month until she can afford a ticket out of there.
    If she can't meet the payments the landlord will be angry.

    The MMORPG is called Cozy Together and is an open world skilling sandbox role-playing game.

    Every action you perform earns XP.
    Set your own goals, and slowly unlock everything the world has to offer you.

    As you play you will gain access to new relics.
    These relics all have hidden bonus effects like being able to walk through fire to access new areas of the map, or passively increasing gathering rates.
    The relics are incredibly valuable so be sure to find them all!

    Play online with your friends!
    Once in the VR world you can invite people to come and play with you.
    Go on adventures and explore the world together!
    Or woodcut in peace as you grind out you next rent payment!

    Everyone area is chunk locked!
    Will you risk your money exploring the unknown?
    Or master a small number of known chunks to pay your bills?

    ⭐Follow for more weird stuff!⭐
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • Windows
