Co–Star Astrology - daily horoscope Advice

Play Co–Star Astrology - daily horoscope Advice
    fix Co–Star Astrology - daily horoscope Advice
    The Co-Star Astrology App Uses Data From NASA & Input From Professional Astrologers To Make Your Birth Chart
    The Co-Star Astrology is first ever AI-powered astrology app – that understands how people already connect over and talk about astrology

    • Planet-by-planet compatibility

    • Add friends to keep track of their zodiac signs

    • Personality analysis customized to your entire astrological chart
    It doesn’t take into account the moon, other planets in the solar system, or the 12 houses of the zodiac—each of which represents a different part of your life, like relationships, work, and home. Even if you're an Aries Sun, a Libra moon or a Virgo rising change everything.
    • Real-time updates, as the planets move
    Co–Star predictions are based on a map of the sky at your exact time and place of birth, coupled with NASA data to track the planets as they move. Then AI creates hyper-personalized horoscopes on a scale previously unimaginable.
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • Android
    • Smart TV


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