Clawed Robot: Space Bot 13

Play Clawed Robot: Space Bot 13
"Dive into the thrilling world of Clawed Robot: Space Bot 13, where you become the last hope to save the space vessel! Experience an engaging storyline about an old-model robot awakened in chaos caused by the takeover of the ship by mysterious beings. New robot models were abducted, sent to the enemy base, and your task is to reach the communication section to warn Earth of the looming danger.

Clawed Robot: Space Bot 13's gameplay offers an exhilarating 2D top-down arcade experience. Control the robot using built-in gas and claws in the zero-gravity conditions of the spaceship. Immerse yourself in exciting battles with hostile bots, conquer levels, reach the finish line, and each level presents new challenges. Only 1 in 10 players will successfully navigate through all 30 levels.

The optimized artificial intelligence of Robot 13 ensures gripping gameplay and intense battles. Can you overcome all obstacles, reach the communication section, and prevent the impending threat? Join Clawed Robot: Space Bot 13 and become the hero in this captivating space adventure!"
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Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV
