Chinese Checkers - Ultimate

Hey ! good news. here is a new version of the Chinese Checker Ultimate !
What is new :
2 player mode !
Switch between metal background and wood background
Change the players pawns 2 colours
Design updated to be more beautiful.
Design adapted for all iPhone and iPad !
Chinese Checkers - Ultimate - the best Strategy board game !What is new :
2 player mode !
Switch between metal background and wood background
Change the players pawns 2 colours
Design updated to be more beautiful.
Design adapted for all iPhone and iPad !
Play in 1 or 2 player mode.
Choose the pawn colour for the 2 players.
Play while listening great music, dedicated to this game.
Change the background.
Goal of the game :
Move your pawn (Player one is in the bottom of the Board) into the opponent area (located in the top). the Player 2 will do the same ( CPU or Human ).
The first to have completed all pawn's move have win !
A Zoom mode allow, on small screen device, to enhance the way you can move the pawn.
An help is displayed, to help the player to know where your pawn can move (an option is available, to disable this)
In one player mode : The CPU calculate up to 4 moves in advance.
Try to win against the CPU, or play with your Friend or Family ! in 2 players Mode...
This game is available on : iPhone, iPad, Apple TV 4, Mac
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