Chase Ace Sole Survivor

Play Chase Ace Sole Survivor
About the GameWELCOME SHOOTER PILOTSChase Ace Sole Survivor is a skill-based top-down action shooter where you pilot a space fighter to defend a grid of stations against invading hordes of alien drones.

Here's what to expect:

Fast-paced top-down arena action
Hordes of enemies shooting at you
Legions of weapons
Items and synergies to discover
Huge stylised explosions
Not an auto-shooter

The Planetary Shield is under massive attack!
A damn shame there's only a rookie with a wreck manning it...
WIELD AN EXOTIC ARSENALYour mission is to protect the Planetary Shield from the alien menace. We rely on you! Fear not - Management will supply you with generous amounts of weapons and upgrades. Unlock exotic weapons like the Bounce Laser or the Sticky Missiles, or stick to the reliable Hole-maker Photon Machine Gun...COLLECT AND MODIFYDuring your endeavours you will encounter and collect a number of various items. Use these to trick out your arsenal to best fit your style, and to wreck maximum havoc on the invaders.
UNHINGED, SHAMELESS TOP-DOWN ACTIONDo not worry - Nobody will judge you for your ruthless expenditure of bullets, beams and bombs. After all, we're counting on you to save the Planetary Shield and stave off the (seemingly unavoidable, ahem..) alien invasion.

You've got this, Rookie!
You're the Chase Ace after all - We put our faith in you!
Go with firepower!LET'S GO!
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
