Charles the Bee

Play Charles the Bee

We're hard at work to deliver an amazing experience. In the meantime, we have prepared a demo for y'all to try! Feel free to install and enjoy :)

Meet Charles, your everyday pollen bee, harboring an extraordinary passion for dance. With your assistance, he'll pop and lock on a treacherous journey across multiple landscapes, confronting the finest dancers they can muster. Ultimately, his eyes are set on the glittering prize: The Golden Bee Trophy.

Unfortunately, dancing doesn't exactly bring home the honey, especially when you're a bee with yet-to-be-proven talents. Thus, Charles juggles the world of dance with his day job, gathering pollen to fund entry into esteemed dance clubs and to dress himself in eye-catching attire. Can you have an adventure without a love interest? Yes, you could. But this adventure one has one anyway! Charles has been desperately trying to impress Beeanna, a girl (bee) from his hive.

Custom Song? Custom note chart? Custom Art? Whatever you have, you can easily import into our game and see your creation come to life! We supply a tool that can help you make the note charts as well!
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
