Cat Curio
"Cat Curio" is an educational and entertaining game that offers players a wealth of knowledge about the fascinating world of cats.
In this game, players can explore a variety of cat-related facts, trivia, and fun information while enjoying interactive gameplay.
The game is developed, refined, and optimised before being made available for play.
- Cool game for skilful people
- FREE version supported by ads
- Super awesome graphics and motion
- Different levels to play – for a lengthier game experience
- Addicting and proven game concept
- Unlimited attempts to break your record
- Great sound effects and music
- Turn on/off music and sound effects
- Available on iPhone and iPad
Privacy Policy link-
In this game, players can explore a variety of cat-related facts, trivia, and fun information while enjoying interactive gameplay.
The game is developed, refined, and optimised before being made available for play.
- Cool game for skilful people
- FREE version supported by ads
- Super awesome graphics and motion
- Different levels to play – for a lengthier game experience
- Addicting and proven game concept
- Unlimited attempts to break your record
- Great sound effects and music
- Turn on/off music and sound effects
- Available on iPhone and iPad
Privacy Policy link-
Available on devices:
- Android
- Smart TV