Cannot Contain

Play Cannot Contain
Welcome to your new job here at Keep 'Em Contained, the private containment facility that caters to any and all of your containment needs.

"If we can't contain it, no one can!"

As our newest recruit, it is your sole responsibility to maintain the facility and keep the residents contained!

Whether it's fixing power faults, repairing the ventilation systems, or preventing the release of untold evils onto the world above, we know we can rely on you to fulfil your obligation to us, no matter the cost or sacrifice!

We've spared no expense and provided you with a state-of-the-art CCTV system for monitoring the facility, as well as a cutting-edge new computer (with keyboard!) for analysing the facility's systems and locating any faults. Combine this with a torch and repair tools (generously loaned by us), and now you really have no excuse for failure!

We are excited to kickstart your (hopefully) long and productive career working for us! Good luck!

Disclaimer: By accepting this job, you agree that in the event of one or more residents escaping containment, that you yourself will be contained immediately and indefinitely, assuming you survive that long.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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