Bloodlines - Tales of brotherhood

Play Bloodlines - Tales of brotherhood
    Bloodlines: Tales of brotherhood is a card based action/adventure game. You play as Duncan, a villager who returns back his village, only to find it slaughtered and burned. His only family Agnar, his brother, is no where to be seen. so he embarks on a journey to find the his only family through the regions of Ephelm.FeaturesCard Based System
    Story Rich
    50+ Weapons and Enemies (More added as developed)
    Vast World
    Epic Boss fights
    Vast Environments and Stages

    Currently the Game is in development and has completed the first demo phase.
    The game has a Story mode and endless survival mode will also be added.
    There is multiple weapons and enemies each with their distinct stats.UPDATE - 05-04-2022Added skill system, skill system consists of brawler and hunter skills.

    if you are a streamer and would like to try the demo out, please drop an email with your links.
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • Windows


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