
Play Blackfall
20 years ago, three friends embarked on a crucial mission: Operation DRILL. Their objective was to locate a clandestine facility hidden deep in the heart of the Blackforest. However, the three disappeared without a trace, and no details of this shady operation have been revealed since.

Finding the coordinates of this place in an old cell phone belonging to your teammate, you decide to venture towards the location of this mysterious mission. But be careful! As he goes deeper into this haunting journey, each step reveals dark secrets, until suddenly robots cross his path, leading him to certain death.

When he awakens, he finds himself in an improvised shelter, disoriented and helpless. Now, it's up to you to unravel the terrible events that unfolded and find a way out of this cursed place. Get ready for an adventure filled with suspense, impending danger and discoveries that will shake even your very sanity.

Take a risk, dive into this world and discover the hidden secrets behind Operation DRILL. Are you ready to face the unknown and confront what awaits in the depths of the Blackforest?

Intense Movement

Master dynamic movement with Wallrun, Double Jump and Dash for flexible combat.

Nightmare Rebirth

After death, lose all accumulated experience, wake up in a stunned state and use beds to save progress.

Progression and exploration

Explore the dark landscape, reactivate facilities, and leverage strategic elements for combat advantages.

Enhancement and Skills

Gradually unlock skills and tools, improve mastery in each and use previous experience to progress.

Prepare to be immersed in a unique experience, where fast movement, atmosphere and progression combine to create an immersive and challenging game. In Blackfall, every death is a new beginning, every exploration is an opportunity, and every skill gained will bring you closer to the truth behind this terrifying nightmare. Are you ready to face your deepest fears and overcome the challenges that await you?

Enter the universe of Blackfall, a first-person shooter full of mystery and imminent danger. In this shooter with elements of combat, loot and a hint of rogue-lite, your objective is to destroy all the excavation stations and discover how you got into this loop of dreams. Face merciless enemies, collect items and unlock the secrets of this universe. Are you ready to become the master of this nightmare and find the way out?
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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