Beyond fantasy

Play Beyond fantasy

+ Beyond Fantasy's content can be played in single player or multiplayer.

+ Beyond Fantasy is a shooting action bullet hell game that combines action, roguelike, and other elements.

+ Use dash(space bar) in battle and block enemies for 15 minutes to unlock the next area you can go to.

+ Each character class has a skill tree, and you can unlock the skill tree by collecting gold in the game.

+ A platformer-style (Devil's valley) game is also provided, so you can acquire a puppy when you achieve it within a given time. Depending on your records, you can acquire many different types of puppies.

+ Play a basketball game, a mini-game within the game. Leaderboards are provided, and you can get a colleague based on your score and ranking.

+ If you unlock a pet, you can summon it in Beyond Fantasy's roguelike.

+ Unlocking a colleague allows you to summon it in Beyond Fantasy's roguelike.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
